HDFS 2100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 62 pages long!)

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12:55 pm: domains of child development, physical, cognitive, language, social-emotional, adaptive/daily living skills, periods of child development, the prenatal period (conception to birth) John locke"s tabula rasa (blank slate), beginnings of behaviorism, development is continuous. Jean-jacques rosseau"s "noble savages", stages and maturation, development as discontinuous: scientific theory (19th century, darwin, natural selection and survival of the fittest (how well suited is the organism to its environment) Screen for average, above average, and below average intelligence: 20th century and modern theories, psychoanalytic theories. Integration of the id, ego, and superego: erikson"s theory, emphasis on the ego"s influence on development. First to consider development across the lifespan: behaviorism and social learning theory. Stimuli and response, role modeling/observational learning (bandura: cognitive developmental theory, piaget. Intergenerational transmission of learning, beliefs, and value zones of proximal development: ecological systems theory, bronfenbrenner, bi-directional influences of organism and the environment.