COMM 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ethnography, Paralanguage, Chronemics

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29 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Channels: the medium through which the message is sent. ex. , spoken, written, body language, etc. ) Interference (noise: prevents messages from being received, or prevents the intended message from being understood. Listening: psychological process saying (cid:522)i"m paying attention b. to this(cid:523) It is possible to listen to someone, but not hear them. Interpersonal communication: communication within a person, communication with another dyadic) Focused on question-answer pattern: 3 or more members of a group influencing one and other. Public communication v: organizational communication vii, mass communication. Health communication: elements of effective communication i. ii. iii. iv. v. Part 2: studying communication as a science: the field of communication, humanistic approaches. Word choice, loaded words: social scientific approaches. Analyze how power is used in certain situations) Looks for patterns in communication behaviors via: the scientific method i. ii. iii. iv. 2 i. ii. iii. iv. vi. vii. viii. i. ii. i.