KOREA 104A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Filial Piety, Korean Confucianism, Religion In Korea

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For this border-crossing method to be effective, it is important to compare korean religions to that of other foreign religions that can serve as a stark contrast, such as those of the japanese. The author hur argues that the korean-ness that is characteristic of such religions can also be localized in terms of the culture. In korea, filial piety to parents was considered a socio-ethical value of upmost importance and whoever violated it would be severely punished. As for early modern japan, the concept of filial piety was more related to household institution instead of towards parents. In general, buddhism in korea during the choson era did not play a significant role in the ritual of ancestor worship. On the other hand, in tokugawa of japan, buddhists highly participated in rituals for both ancestor worship and funerals as they believed that it was an important part of their religion and culture. My questions/criticism: my first argument or question.