[GE CLST M72A] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (22 pages long)

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Dr. arnold lecture 1 sept. 27th: biological explanations and principles of biology applied to. Kinds of biological explanations (both are correct, just from di erent perspectives) a. Why are male birds more brightly colored than females. Answer 1: bright colors are preferred by females --> females mate preferentially --> colorful males have more o spring. Answer 1: pigments are increased by hormones (used in dr. arnold"s tests and explanations) We explain things based on lower levels to higher levels of processes. All biological phenomena have a physical explanation based on chemistry, physics. Theories are supported or not by experimental outcomes. Results are public, replicable, falsi able, subject to critical discussion c. d. e. f. Laws of biology are supported or not by experiments a. Can be a helix or pleated sheet, folds up into a globular structure. Send info from ovaries to uterus etc f. Base (pyrimidines and purines cgta or u for rna) plus ribose or deoxyribose and.