CLASSIC 20 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Loincloth, Catullus, Manumission

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8 Jul 2016

Document Summary

Quiz 3 study guide lecture 16 ovid and the art of love. Developed in archaic greece in 7th century bce; themes: initially funeral dirges, epitaphs and martial songs; now are love and submission to women. The loves (amores) themes and style: By ovid, first collection of poetry had playful tones w/ themes of love, sex, advice of old woman, hair, abortion. Corinna: his gf (invented name) who changes in personality depending on how ovid portrays her. The art of love ( ars amatoria. Nature: most ambitious love poem seduction manual/sexual handbook. Structure: first 2 books addressed to young men (how to find, seduce, and keep a woman); 3rd was for women about the same thing. Tone of the work: very sexual and almost like light porn ; people felt it lacked literary value. Roman marriage and manus: not a choice but is obligation all women were married or previously married w/ exception of vestal.