CH ENGR 101A Quiz: 2017 Homework 7

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9 Jan 2019

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A viscous fluid is contained between wide, parallel plates spaced a distance h apart. The upper plate is fixed, and the bottom plate oscillates harmonically with a velocity amplitude. The differential equation for the velocity distribution between the plates is u t. , where u is the velocity, t is time, and and are fluid density and viscosity, u. Rewrite this equation in a suitable nondimensional form using h, u, and as reference parameters. If the flow were steady (it is not) with v = 0. 2 m/s, determine the pressure at the end of the artery if it is oriented (a) vertically up (flow up) or (b) horizontal. At time t = 0 the level of water in tank a is 2 ft above that in tank b. Plot the elevation of the water in tank a as a function of time until the free surfaces in both tanks are at the same elevation.