A&O SCI 2 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Catalytic Converter, Sea Spray, Photosynthesis

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Reduced sunlight, reduced temps, large reptiles died: variable gases-water vapor, carbon dioxide, trace gass- neon, helium, krypton, xenon, variable trace gases, carbon monoxide, oxides nitrogen, oxides sulfer, ozone, catastrophes- oxygenation. Impact=dust clouds, set molecular nitrogen foraldehyde: smog in la- carbon monoxide, ozone, particulate matter, smog=coal smoke+fog, industrial periods call for coal smoke regulation, 1952 coal smog kills 4k in london. Leads to legistlation: haagen-smit- found how smog forms in automobile engine, london- coal smoke + fog. No+ro2 ->no2+ro : ro +no2->pan converter . numerous, but not much of total mass, ozone that is destroyed about as fast as it produced. But in the afternoon ozone builds up. condensation. Long lifetimes, deeply penetrates into lungs, affects visibility: nucleation mode- newly emitted or nucleated particles are smallest. Most: rog cycle no2+sunlight->no+o / o+o2+m->o3+m / no+o3->no2+o2 , pan family of peroxyacetyl nitrate compounds, auto engine controls try to limit co and create more co2.