ZOO 3733C Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ethmoid Bone, Nasion, Neurocranium

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Neurocranium: (8 bones: frontal, parietal (2, temporal (2, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid. Facial skeleton: (14 bones: maxilla (2, nasal (2, zygomatic (2, lacrimal (2, palatine (2, inferior nasal conchae (2, mandible, vomer. Nasion: separation between frontal and nasal bones. Burr hole: a small hole that is drilled into the skull: a tube is put through the holes to help drain haematomas. Fontanels: unossi ed remnants of the membranes in newborns: anterior is ossi ed within 18-36 months, posterior: 6 months+ Friday, september 29, 2017: mastoid: 6 months, sphenoid: 6 months+ Middle and superior nasal conchae are part of the ethmoid bone. Know cranial nerves v ( largest cn) and vii more extensively. Terminal branches of trigeminal (cn v-1): ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular. All the skin innervations of the face is by the di erent branches of the trigeminal nerve. All of the facial expressions are innervated by facial (cn vii)