SPA 4032 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Audiology, Unilateral Hearing Loss, Conductive Hearing Loss

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Both bone and air are normal and have no air bone gaps. Hearing loss is present and no air bone gaps (air and bone are within 10db of each other) Air bone gap is greater than 10 db and bone conduction is below 25 db. Primarily the outer hair cells are damaged and little distortion. The outer and inner hair cells are damaged and increased distortion. ________ can show up on an audiogram as a snhl but this is true nerve damage. This can cause hair cell death as well. In ____________ hearing loss, there is an attenuation of the sound but no distortion. In a conductive hearing loss, _________ will overcome volume. A mixed hearing loss consists of both ___________ and _________ loss. Relatively flat shape of hearing loss within 20 db across audiogram. Greater than a 20db per octave difference toward high frequencies. Steeply sloping: more than a 40 db difference per octave.