SPA 3123 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vocal Tract, Hearing Loss, Speech Disorder

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What are distinctive features? the absolute minimal contrasts between phonemes in language. The main idea is that features are universal and with minor adjustments can be applied to any language. Also,the features were strictly acoustic in nature and not based on articulation. Also these features are considered binary, distinctive and minimal. Distinctive features that can only be used in the english language and not intended to be universal. What is information theory? distinctive features are optimal-they convey the minimal number of contrasts necessary. 2^n; n = the number of binary features. According to the formula, 2^n, we have three places of articulation so this would give us 2^3. When a stop consonant is labeled as compact, what is the place of articulation? velar. When a stop consonant is labeled as difuse and rising, what is the place of articulation? alveolar. When a stop consonant is labeled as difuse and falling, what is the place of articulation? bilabial.