SPA 3011 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Semicircular Canals, Endolymph, Transfer Function

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Velopharyngeal valve (soft palate- if the air goes through our nose or through our mouth) Soft palate- if the air goes through our nose or through our mouth. Lips, control flow of air by closing or partially closing. Proposed by gunnar fant (1960) and refined by stevens and house (1961): States that energy from the source (vf) is modified by the resonance characteristics of the filter. So we have a vibrating source (vf"s) and we have a filter (vocal tract: pharynx, throat, oral cavity, nasal cavity). One peak (starting in the 2-300), then two peaks far away. Sound can be generated from the vocal folds and/or vocal tract. Sounds are either periodic or a periodic or mixed periodic mixed aperiodic. Vowels, diphthongs (two vowels together), semivowels (liquids and glides), and nasals. Voiceless (no vf vibrating) stops, voiceless fricatives, and voiceless affricates. Sounds that have noise or are entirely noise. Sound generated at vocal folds and along vocal tract.