REL 2300 Midterm: relexam2

353 views9 pages
11 May 2017

Document Summary

Breath of the eternal as heard" by the ancient sages or rishis. Written 1000 years after composition, was seen as polluting. Rig veda (hymns, the myth of the cosmic man) The goal for hindu renouncers is to be liberated from the cycle of rebirth instead of fulfilling their dharma in hopes of a better rebirth. Dharma tied directly to varna (caste) system. Samsara- beings are reincarnated/reborn into the world of suffering over and over again. Karma- law of cause and effect that governs reincarnation. Jnana- spiritual knowledge that can lead to liberation from cyclic existence. Asceticism- renunciation of pleasure; aka fasting, celibacy, poverty, seclusion, self-mortification. The ashrama or life-stages model for brahmin males (outlined in the laws of manu- authoritative albeit inspired texts in vedic societies) Householder- fulfill duties to household/family, objectives are wealth. Hermit or forest dweller- start the path to renunciation. The cause of samsara is ignorance of the true self or atman.