PSY 2012 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Biopsychosocial Model, Panic Disorder, Fundamental Attribution Error

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20 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 13: personality: what is personality? organization of enduring behavior patterns that often serve to distinguish us from one another, psychoanalysis, theories on the unconscious. Preconscious: retrievable information not already in consciousness. Unconscious: unacceptable thoughts, feelings & memories: personality structure. Id: strives to satisfy basic sexual & aggressive drives. Ego: conscious executive mediates among the demands of the id, superego, & reality. Superego: internalized ideas & provides standards for judgment. Pleasure principle vs. reality principle: psychosexual stages. Order and what happens in each stage. Oral: (0-18 months) pleasure centers on the mouth sucking, biting. Anal: (18-36 months) pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination. Phallic: (3-6 years) pleasure zone in the genitals; coping with incest sexual feelings. Latency: (6 - puberty) dormant sexual feelings. Genital : (puberty on) maturation of sexual interests. Female oedipus complex: girls suffer from pens envy not the electra complex: defense mechanisms. Regression: retreat to a more infantile psychosexual stage.