PSY 2012 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Motivation, Suggestibility, Sound Grammar

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 7: classical conditioning: association of two stimuli. Pair a neutral stimulus that evokes a re ex. Neutral stimulus will soon evoke the re ex on its own. Extinction: when a ucs does not follow a cs the cr is diminished. Acquisition: the initial stage of learning, during which a response is established. Spontaneous recovery: reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished cr. Generalization: tendency for a stimuli similar to cs to evoke similar responses. Discrimination: ability to distinguish between a cs & other stimuli that do not signal: little albert study: white rat with baby experiment. Advertising: physically attractive model with an automobile. Politics: link themselves with positive values: operant conditioning: type of learning where behavior is strengthen if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment. Skinner box: soundproof cage where animal presses bar to release food. Shaping: reinforces guide behavior toward closer approximations of a desired goal.