NUR 3225 Final: Comprehensive Adult 1 Final Exam Study Guide (95 pages)

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7 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Excessive stress response can be magnified and affect recovery. Influencing factors: age, past experiences, current health, socioeconomic status. Use translators if needed: decreases level of anxiety. Anxiety can impair cognition, decision making, and coping abilities. Anxiety can arise from: lack of knowledge, unrealistic expectations. Hope: may be strongest positive coping mechanism, never deny or minimize, assess and support. Priority care-monitoring and managing respiratory and circulatory function, pain, temperature, and the surgical site. Depression central respiratory drive, poor muscle tone, mechanical restriction, pain. Change patient position every 1 to 2 hours. 0. 6-1. 3 mg/dl (m) 13. 2-17. 3 g/dl (m) 39%-50% (f) 11. 7-16 g/dl (f) 35%-47% Monitor for orthostatic bp with increase in mobility. Monitor mobility status and activity status for safety. Patient"s self report is the single most reliable indicator of pain. Patient teaching regarding how to report pain. Remove urinary catheter when no longer indicated. Contamination of the wound: exogenous flora, oral flora, intestinal flora.