MCB 3020C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Streptococcal Pharyngitis, Neisseria, Microorganism

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12 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Also called, ____________________: _____________: objects that can transmit microbes such as hospital equipment, ______________: organisms that live on or in a host ans cause damage, ______________: microbial parasites, the host-parasite relationship depends on _______________ or. _________________: _________________: the ability of the parasite to cause damage, degree of pathogenicity = ______________________ !2: the virulence of the pathogen and the resistance of the host are _____________ changing, streptococcus pyogenes is a ______________ and causes strep throat, candida albicans causes no damage so its a _____________. But if the host defense is weakened it becomes an _____________________________ (takes advantage of the weak immune system): antibiotics that kill the _________________ (good bacteria) in women get candida. ____________ infection: some pathogens are carried by individuals but do not cause _____________. Neisseria meningitidis resides in ________________ tract and cause no disease. ________________: stomach has ph around _____ and bacteria are __________. !3: colon: adults eliminate bacteria daily - around 50% of fecal matter mass are.