EXP 3304 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Thought Suppression, Allostasis

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There are 3 ways to see the efects of stress: Allostasis: the muliple biological changs that allow you to adapt to stressors (temperature, humidity) so your body funcions within a comfortable range. Arousal, stress and atenion : the easterbrook hypothesis. Potenially stressful objecive event -> subjecive cogniive appraisal ->emoional, physiological and. Lazarus & folkman (1984) deiniion of psychological stress : A paricular relaion between the person and he environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding their resource and/ or endangering their wellbeing. Self-regulaion and adaptaion ( slide available on webcourse) Emoion- focused strategies: emoional social support, vening emoions, posiive reinterpretaion/growth, humor. Avoidant coping: behavioral disengagement, mental disengagement, thought suppression.