COM 1000 Study Guide - Tree Model, Knowledge Acquisition, Memory Span

68 views4 pages
11 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Person factors: specific knowledge, world knowledge, ability, memory span, motivation, listening capacity. Listening context: objectives, purpose, climate, interactivity, status, power, conversational rules, speaker characteristics: process actual mechanics of listening. Overt behavior nodding head and eye contact: product outcomes of process. Improving listening skills: ask pre-questions, consider interest level, instead of saying how boring! just ask, what can i learn from this? , use elaboration strategies. Make the information more meaningful to you: take 51% of responsibility for communication transaction. Imagine being active engaged in the entire process: choose to focus. 500 words/min) is faster than speaking speed (approx. Focus on main points: be aware of logical fallacies, source credibility, and appeals, keep a listening journal. Listen for highlights and transitions: be willing to listen. Hear people out before you cut them off: waste thought power (differential) Rate of speaking about 125 words/min.