[ANT 2511] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 25 pages long Study Guide!

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What is anthropology: the study of human kind, viewed from the perspective of all people and all times. What qualifies as human: all of the collective experience of our biological ancestors, all of the creatures to whom we are closely related (relatively speaking) ex. primates. Hominids: humans are hominids, classified within the taxonomic family hominidae. Our cousins: higher in the taxonomic ladder, humans are also members of the order primates, includes prosimians monkeys and apes, studied to gain insight on our ancestors, act as time capsules. How do humans differ from other primates: bipedalism, specialized dentition, material culture and tools, speech and language, hunting and food production (culture is required, we are capable of abstract thought other primates are not. Culture: learned behavior that is transmitted from person to person, a human universal, includes strategies for dealing with the natural environment, we can"t live without it, coping mechanism to manipulate the environment. (ex.