ANT 2410- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Language: primary means of communication (spoken or written), it is a part of culture. Anthropologists study language in its social and cultural context. Linguistics are interested in the comparison, variation, and change of languages. Call systems: use a limited number of sounds that are produced in response to specific stimulus. Calls vary in intensity and duration, but they are less flexible than language because they are automatic and cannot be combined. At some point in human development our ancestors began to combine calls and to understand combinations. In 7 years the primate only used 4 words: mama, papa, up and cup. Chimps and gorillas have a rudimentary capacity for language. Washoe, a chimp, eventually learned the vocabulary of over 100 american sign language. Began to combine signs (up to 5) into rudimentary sentences. Lucy lived in a foster home and used asl to converse with her foster parents. Lucy exhibited some human linguistic traits (telling lies and teaching to others)