ADV 3008- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 52 pages long!)

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Core elements that led to the development of advertising = trade and commerce. Factors that shape advertising = mass media, middle class, mass production. 5000 bc: ancient ads, clay tablets, stone drawings. Ancient egyptians used a crude form of paper (or papyrus) to promote business exchange (sadly the one ad on record is for the sale of slaves) Mass newspapers (1830s); soon after national magazines emerged. 1920 radio invention (free advertisement to virtually every household in america) Advertisers began to differentiate their brands with specific benefits: the research era: (recent years) advertisers increasingly have been able to identify defined audience segments through research methods (prior to 1920, rarely any research done) Demographics: early research conducted general info (age, gender, location) Psychographics: modern advertising research includes more detailed info about lifestyles, attitudes, and motivation of consumers. John wannamaker: idea to sell products based on style and luxury (emotional appeal of status!)