[POSC 017] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 40 pages long Study Guide!

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Political developments and political institutions in the developing world. Latin america, middle east, and some eastern europe countries. (80% of the world"s population) Term coined by french demographer alfred sauvy in 1952 (tiens monde). Third world : countries that remained non-aligned with neither nato or communist bloc. Most countries were poor and not industrialized. Third world countries were not aligned with neither bloc. Distorts reality by putting all countries in the same category (education, characteristics, infrastructure) Negative connotation (creating a hierarchy of countries) Risk of orientalism (general attitude towards people in asia, africa,etc. ) Orientalism- edward said (1978) his book argued that the west is superior, but this is a fabrication. Ex: japan is in the east yet is very developed. The south: of world pop, yet. In this course, we will use the terms underdeveloped and developing. The idea of development itself offends certain observers.