PHYS 005 Final: Session 28 FINAL REVIEW

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Light year- nothing travels faster than speed of light
Sun- 8 ly away from earth
Proxima centauri- 4.25 ly from sun
Parsec about 3 light years
Stars turn hydrogen to helium
3 options of supernova
Black hole
One more
Low mass- red dwarf -> white dwarf
Med mass-yellow dwarf, orange dwarf, white star, blue star
Terrestrial & jovian
Planets go fast enough around Sun to keep them from falling into sun
Further you are, SLOWER the speed need to be
Fusion- several atoms into a new atom
4 hydrogens -> 1 Helium
Energy added up gives stars heat & light
Jupiter’s moon-Europa
Thick sheet of ice covering subsurface ocean
Hydrothermal vents on the bottom of ocean
Saturn’s moon-Enceladus
Subsurface ocean as well
Diff- spewing water into outer space w. cracks in water
Angular sizes
Subdivided into subunits
Divided into 60 arcmin
1 arcmin- 60 arcseconds
Their apparent size IN THE SKY
Particles of light-photons
First experiment-Galileo & Romer
Galileo tried to measure speed of light with light experiment
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Romer calculated using distance from Jupiter & Sun- 26% undercount
Jupiter, earth, sun
40 light min. From jupiter -> sun Total, but +/- 8 light minutes depending on where earth is
relative to Sun
Fizeu/ Foucalt- over & underestimation
Light behaves as a WAVE
Distance btw 2 cusps/valleys- 1 wavelength
Blue light- shorter wavelengths
Ultraviolet, gamma, xrays
Red light-longer wavelengths
Infrared, radio, microwave red lights- can’t detect w eyes
Ea chemical element produces distinct color signal called SPECTRA
Doppler Shift
Moving toward us- higher pitch
Moving away- lower frequency (pitch)
Exposure time
Distance light travels until becoming focused- f
Detector has electrons (electrical charge)- CCD (charged coupled detector)
More electrical charge (increase sensitivity)-more photons you can capture
More charge- MORE NOISE
Telescopes have a lot of aperture
Captures more light/sec
Milky Way
Same number of stars in every direction
Trumpler found extinction-attenuation of light of stars due to gas & dust
However, gas & dust block stars- there should be a lot more stars
STANDARD CANDLES- star that has the SAME AMT OF BRIGHTNESS @ any distance in
Found ABOVE & BELOW MW disk
Brightness is only affected by distance
Globular clusters-spherical group of stars that orbit galaxies
CEPHEID STARS-by Harriet Leavitt
Pulsation period signifies brightness (luminosity)
Hubble found ^ those stars in Andromeda
RR Lyrae variables
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Cepheid stars that are common in GLOBULAR CLUSTERS
Because globular clusters are all diff distances-> earth is
MEASURE SIZE OF MW using detecting stars that emit in infrared/red light @ far side of galaxy
Star classification
Spectral classification
Blue-hot stars
Red-warmer stars
Age classification
Pop II chemically enriched
POOR in metal content
(everything other than H)
Pop I
Form closer to present (youngest stars)
Metal RICH
75% of universe is Hydrogen
Hydrogen emits in radiowaves
Hydrogen is in disk of Mw
blue/redshifted in the disk- found by DOPPLER SHIFT
Allows 3d map of hydrogen in MW that shows 4 SPIRAL ARMS
Also includes carbon monoxide
Where spirals are, how fast they are moving, partial arms
Halo KEEPS GALAXY bound together
Stellar halo
Dark matter halo
Vera Rubin
Stars, gas, dust only account for 10% of needed mass to hold stars bounded to EDGE of galaxy
Dark matter halo
Dark matter 24%
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Document Summary

Light year- nothing travels faster than speed of light. Med mass-yellow dwarf, orange dwarf, white star, blue star. Planets go fast enough around sun to keep them from falling into sun. Further you are, slower the speed need to be. Energy added up gives stars heat & light. Thick sheet of ice covering subsurface ocean. Hydrothermal vents on the bottom of ocean. Diff- spewing water into outer space w. cracks in water. Galileo tried to measure speed of light with light experiment. Romer calculated using distance from jupiter & sun- 26% undercount. From jupiter -> sun total, but +/- 8 light minutes depending on where earth is relative to sun. Infrared, radio, microwave red lights- can"t detect w eyes. Ea chemical element produces distinct color signal called spectra. Distance light travels until becoming focused- f. Detector has electrons (electrical charge)- ccd (charged coupled detector) More electrical charge (increase sensitivity)- more photons you can capture.