PUBHLTH 144 Midterm: TWO

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7: how individuals, environments, and health behaviors interact: social cognitive theory social learning theory (bandura) behavior is mediated by cognitive processes that occur thru observation of social modeling influenced by: importance of person modeling behavior. Emotionally charged events (skinner) departure from previous models explaining behaviors as conditional reflexes to +/- reinforcement or punishment reciprocal determinism: individual behavior explained by interaction and combination of. Personal cognitive personal cognitive influences: prediction of behavior and behavior change are regulated by forethought and personal sense of control (agency) Ability to self-determine behavior and reflect upon and analyze experience. Self-efficacy: formed through previous mastery experience; vicarious experience; social persuasion; emotional arousal. Applies to situations where individuals don"t have control over social conditions/institutions that affect their lives. Groups can develop social cohesion & take action for common good. Perceived collective efficacy fosters groups" motivational commitment. Outcome expectation: physical (pain, pleasure) / social (approval, power)