[PSYCH 9B] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (81 pages long)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Inherent interest in why we do what we do, and why we feel what we feel. Learning theory: the core of what we do. Content: types of learning: habituation, sensitization, and classical condition. Occurs across species and age: shot: learned that sticking needles into your body hurts, single cells also learn to change their shape in response if probed by a needle, dogs. Types: habituation, sensitization, classical conditioning, cognitive learning. Habituation: puppies as they get used to car horns, noises, and doorbells in urban apartment settings. Desensitization: older dogs with intense fear of thunderstorms; play audiotapes of storms at low levels, gradually increase volume, so that the dogs" response to the thunderstorm gets less and less intense. Watson and little albert: experiments with baby demonstrate the power of classical conditioning, excellent example of classical conditioning and generalization. Icq: how do know generalization occurred he became afraid of rabbits, dogs, and masks.