POL SCI 6C Study Guide - Final Guide: Proletarian Revolution, Class Conflict, Bourgeoisie

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Document Summary

Main point: trying to liberate the masses (proletariat) from the owners (bourgeoisie) Marx and engels did something that mattered a higher degree. Explicit bases for the way in which government claimed they were organized themselves. Governments like the republic of china, cambodia - claimed that marx and engels are the foundation for government. Has never before in the history of mankind existed. They minimally deserve our attention for their huge accomplishment. At the university level, you will meet many professors who will claim to be marxist. This book was written for assembly line blue collar workers -- not written for the elite or hierarchy. Designed to get them engaged in politics in a certain way. Marx points to a world that has moved towards the dominant bourgeoisie, however, the bourgeoisie is deteriorating. At the time he was writing there was no job security no unions, wages, etc. Assembly line -- people did not think, lost a creative aspect.