PHYSICS 20A Study Guide - Final Guide: Perfect Gas, Shield Volcano, Space Debris

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12 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Because of the tilt of the earth"s axis. The tilt of the earth means the earth will lean towards the. Sun (summer) or lean away from the sun (winter) 6 months later. The moon itself does not shine, but it reflects the light from the sun. Earth, moon and sun, it causes the different phases. Synodic period (29 days) can be defined as the position of objects with respect to the sun. Sidereal (27 days) can be defined as the time required for one period to repeat in relation to stars. Explain why the constellations in the zodiac could be used as a crude calendar. Because they could be used for a crude calendar: diurnal motions and the celestial sphere. Neglecting the effect of light pollution, does our location on earth affect our ability to observe any bright star in the milky way from an observatory here in irvine? (check the picture)