HUMAN 1C Study Guide - Final Guide: Reza Shah, Iran Hostage Crisis, Pahlavi Dynasty

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Jessica Mangold
HumCore 2018
Study Guide
Key Terms:
Vo Lectures
- collective amnesia
- many of 1st generation in US do not talk about their experiences
- do not want to relive trauma + share with family
- want to forget + move on so that can effectively move forward in lives
- PTSD, survivor’s guilt, + intergenerational trauma
- suppression of hard memories amongst those who came to US to escape
traumatic events + social chaos in Asia
- some even do not really know what happen
- Diaspora
- refers to different groups of people migrating + dispersing
- can be voluntary or involuntary
- can be used to describe virtually any mass migration
- often viewed as conveying sense of trauma but can also be more positive +
represent escaping some sort of oppression
- distanced from homeland + have to deal with detachment
- memorials/how to remember the past
- many prefer to move forward + not remember what happened
- some want to preserve history to remember it + learn from it
- conflict in that memorials have become tourist attractions
- being seen as more of a spectacle rather than somber learning experience
- creating tourist culture
- on-going debates of how remembering should be done
- ex. conflict over Maya Lin’s proposal for Vietnam war memorial
- people had problem with someone who did not experience the war
designing it
- thought that her design was trying to hide the memorial + or diminish its
Rahimieh Lectures
- magical realism
- realistic depiction amidst something magical or unnatural
- for magical realism to work + not become fantasy -> magical + real need to be
- narrator never alludes that anything odd is going on when fantastical
events happen
- oppositions sustained as if fantastic were also real in reality of novel
- chador as politically charged (not just religiously charged)
- chador became used as symbol for Iranians not wanting to modernize
- outlawed by the Shah in order to get Iran to embrace Western culture
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- women were uncomfortable with the sudden, forced change
- rules of chador became relaxed
- chador became compulsory again in the 1980s + women rebelled
- today chador often seen as a symbol of oppression
- modern feminism cite women of the Middle East as examples of
oppression through clothing + such
- seen as Iran resisting modernizing + moving forward
- becomes associated w/Islam as
- “Aryan” – identity of Iran: Cyrus cylinder
- Ernst Emil Herzfeld -> German Archeologist who excavated Persepolis (1930s)
- came across inscriptions + interpreted them to mean Iran was the Empire
of Aryans
- Iranian Foreign Ministry declared Iran as birthplace of Aryan race
- Germany then invested in Iran infrastructure
- Iranians exempted for Nuremberg racial laws in Germany
- Iranians viewed selves as part of superior “Aryan” race -> above others
- ancient past = huge source of pride
- seen as bridge to future in which Iran would once again dominate region
- The Cyrus Cylinder
- discovered in 1879 in Mesopotamia
- record of Cyrus’s victories + his legacy -> aligns with victories in Bible
- written in cuneiform (ancient Iranian language)
- clay missing in certain areas -> scholars had to make guesses
- boastful language + wanted to glorify accomplishments
- What it means to be Persian v. Iranian
- Persian Empire, 500 BCE
- expansive empire in Middle East
- ruins found in Persepolis
*many Iranians rooted their identity + self-perception in ancient history
- legacy of ancient Persian empire seeps into consciousness even after
- Iran + Iranian
- carries negative connotation amongst Westerners
- associated with negative stereotypes of the East
- ties to Orientalism + facilitating “other” identity
- Iranians prefer to celebrate Persian past + distance itself from Islamic
- embrace of Islam in 7th century seen as reason for nation lagging
behind the West
- Iranian women + disconnect from bodies/sexuality
- purity valued very highly in Iranian culture
- stems from Islam
- women are made to feel that their bodies are simply sexual objects + forced to
wear chador so that men are not distracted by them
- chador becomes symbol of oppression
- women forced to push away their own sexuality
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- do not know anything about their bodies
- seen in Faiza + Munis arguing about virginity as a curtain or a hole
- Iran Hostage Crisis
- Iranians did not trust Americans ever since coup in 1953
- Hostage Crisis happened in November 1979
- 52 Americans held hostage in US embassy in Tehran
- demanded Shah comes back from US to face trial in Iran
- hostages are released in January of 1981 -> 444 days in captivity
- justification for hostage crisis stems from remaining issues with US after coup
- discussed in “Inside Iran’s Fury”
- Self-Orientalization
- construction of narrative about one’s culture influenced by stereotypes
- can mean molding a story based off of preconceived notions of others
- recognition of stereotypes is first step towards deconstructing them
- some attempt to break down stereotypes + in doing so construct new ones
- can create more positive stereotypes or play into positive ones more than
negative ones
- might see something as self-Orientalization because looking through Euro-
centric perspective
- Pahlavi Dynasty -> last dynasty of Iran
- Reza Shah Pahlavi (first king)
- rose through ranks of military + politics after coming from non-royalty
- voted to become ruler + deposed Qajar dynasty
- ordered compulsory de-veiling of women + banned the chador
- allowed for European clothing + hats
- deposed + replaced with his son upon Anglo-Soviet
- West (Allies) wanted to be able to control the ruler
- Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
- very passionate about Iran’s ancient history + saw self as descendent of
Cyrus the Great
- organized Celebration of 2500 Years of Persian Monarchy
- used Persepolis ruins as site of celebration
- used huge amounts of funds for events + destroyed wildlife
- tons of festivities that involved Iranians dressing in traditional
clothing to entertain foreign dignitaries
*Shah’s popularity with Iranians dipped after the event
- after power struggle w/Mossadeq -> flees the country
- back into power after CIA sponsored coup
- Shah turns to modernizing the country
- forced into exile after revolution + Islamic Republic of Iran comes to
- Modernization/Westernization
- Reza Shah Pahlavi banned the chador + ordered people to dress in European
- clothing of the West seen as the standard for modernity
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Document Summary

Many of 1st generation in us do not talk about their experiences. Do not want to relive trauma + share with family. Want to forget + move on so that can effectively move forward in lives. Suppression of hard memories amongst those who came to us to escape traumatic events + social chaos in asia. Some even do not really know what happen. Refers to different groups of people migrating + dispersing. Can be used to describe virtually any mass migration. Often viewed as conveying sense of trauma but can also be more positive + represent escaping some sort of oppression. Distanced from homeland + have to deal with detachment. Being seen as more of a spectacle rather than somber learning experience. Many prefer to move forward + not remember what happened. Some want to preserve history to remember it + learn from it. Conflict in that memorials have become tourist attractions. On-going debates of how remembering should be done.

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