HUMAN 1C- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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12 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Lecture 1: introducing colonialism, sex, and race https://tinyurl. com/blockcore. Overview colonialism history of sex race and racecraft. Cultures in contact and conflict: colonial north america (c. 1600-1780) What"s in a name: discovery vs. invasion peopling vs. colonizing, wilderness vs: communities. Sex vs. sexuality beyond sex acts understanding societies. Dense transfer point for relations of power -michel foucault historicize de-naturalize. Race is not biologic objective transhistoric just about africas/black people/non-white people. Racecraft and conjuring magic race as historic creation racecraft: widely repeated practices turn racism into race: produces a false belief that race is merely a reality. 3b: how does sexual violence both reveal and reinforce the sexism and racism inherent to early. European perspectives on africans gender and sexuality define civilization. Slave trading coast: middle passage construction of race, control of bodies. Ethnographic voyeurism voyeurism gaining pleasure by looking at something sexual or sexualized example: national geographic using pictures of nude africans: scientific but eroticized.