HISTORY 166D Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Inequality, Shining Path, Neoliberalism

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The chilean road to socialism was a unique attempt to effect radical social change by going through the system without destroying the constitutional structures of chile. But in just three years, the first marxist elected in latin america, salvador allende, was dead and chile was under military control. How do you explain this rapid rise and fall of the. Frei (sitting pres) caused a political rift because he was too moderate. Took advantage of political situation; pulled together the parties on the left. Allende being quite liberal drew out more votes (earning 36%) Because he did not secure majority (a. 3. a. 1) nixon did not approve because his ideas seemed borderline communist/socialist (a. 3. a. 1. a) track 1: tries to overthrow him from not confirming him (a. 3. a. 1. a. i) Doesn"t work- ideas are too popular: establishing change. Wanted social change through the systems using existing institutions. While in power: social reforms the systems. Literacy campaign for those in rural areas: economic.