CRM/LAW C7- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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Three main institutions of the criminal justice system (facts) The danger of the single story (written/ directed by chimamanda ngozi adichie) Considering some facts about criminal justice in the u. s. Spend a lot money, and expenditure is going up. Washington post: gave us first factual answer to question. Nearly 1000 times (965 as of december 24th) a police shot & killed a civilian in 2015. White police officers killing unarmed black men account for. Vast majority of these shooting fit into 1 of 3 categories: civilian was wielding a weapon, suicidal/ mentally ill, or ran when officers told them to halt. Britain, from march 2015-2016, police discharged their guns just 7 times. Most law enforcements don"t carry a weapon. 33% in u. s. are women, slightly higher than global average of 27% Holds more than 2. 3 million people in 1719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 942 juvenile correctional facilities . State initiative: when politicians take action to do something about crime.