CRM/LAW C7 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Piper Kerman, Due Process, Scientific Method

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Pick a: basic theories of criminal justice theory or two and explain it) What makes it just or unjust: purposes of criminal justice. Based on distinct set of ideologies for punishment. Reform of criminal justice system, believe humans should be held responsible for their actions because they possess free will, punishment should fit the crime and not the criminal. Everyone created equally so they can all think equally. To gain security & liberty, humans freely had to give up part of their liberty. Presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. Application of scientific method, crime is determined by factors. Make sure offender understands that (cid:498)crime does not pay(cid:499) by. Crime is an individual"s choice outside of the individual"s control, multiple factor causation (crime. Born criminal more primitive/biological traits on why a criminal caused by a number of complex variables), believed in rehabilitation to effect change, emphases on offender rather than offense.