CRM/LAW C160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Socalled, Racialization, Social Perception

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Race is largely the product of assignment of status along boundaries of racial differences in which powerful groups draw and reinforce these boundaries (process of ascription). My definition and understanding of race was solely based on the facts of a person"s attribute such as skin color, eyes, hair, and language. In other words, i understood and saw race as a perception of physical and biological traits. However, through the progression of the class, i began to understand that one characteristic, trait, or gene does not distinguish a one so-called race from another so-called race. Racism is not biological but racism is still real and has not diminished. Race has been defined as a social idea and structure. Race (d): largely the product of assignment of status along boundaries of racial differences-powerful groups draw and reinforce these boundaries (process of ascription) Race (d): therefore more exclusionary and less flexible than ethnicity. Race (d): implies hierarchy-opposes one group as better than another.