CRM/LAW C144 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Voluntary Manslaughter, Illegal Entry, Vicarious Liability

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Criminology midterm review session c144: just because you read someone their rights doesn"t mean you automatically. Mirandize them: juveniles can request parents" presence, comatose people. Us, legal; can"t do that inside the us. They didn"t have an intent to commit a crime. They thought they had authority: the mistake in law negated the intent requirement for burglary. Illegal entry, but they didn"t think they were committing a crime: burglary is a specific intent crime, not general. If the mistake in law negates your intent to commit a crime, then it is a defense: since they have a defense to burglary, they have a defense to felony-murder, no underlying felony! Any defenses to it: demonstrate that you understand the doctrine involved. Hypothetical midterm case: betty barmaid, columbian gold = cocaine. Discuss liability and possible penalties: betty the waitress and bob the bartender are liable for serving the drinks while he was on duty.