CRM/LAW C113 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gender Pay Gap, Chromosome, Pricewaterhousecoopers

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Document Summary

Biological, physical traits, sex organs, chromosomes, male/female. Cultural meanings attached to those differences (masculinity/femininity) (zinn) the very concept of gender is based on socially defined differences between women and men. Gender isn"t something one is, it is something one does through interactions. Zimmerman & west: gender is less a component of identity fixed, static, -- Constantly (cid:498)doing(cid:499) gender performing the activities and exhibiting the traits that we take with us into our interactions than it is the product of those interactions that are prescribed for us. Men and women are different b/c we are taught to be different. Men and women are not a homogenous fixed group with common. Differences between men and women"s skills and social behavior. Assumption that men and women are evaluated against masculine principles in the work place. What explains why gender equality stalled and persists? to quit their job to take care of their kids. Congress is 80% male, 80% white, 92% christian.