CRM/LAW C10- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 95 pages long!)

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How will they frame the legal question. Individual rights v. rights of the state. Law is not neutral -> law is biased and a space where minds can differ. Law created by people in certain positions of power throughout time. Racial discrimination was institutionalized and enforced by the law in early america. Viewed socially by those with power as morally acceptable. Later legal institutions began to ban overt legal racism. Eventually shifted towards different conception of justice and morality. Answer: that they espouse liberty and rights for all men but maintain the institution of slavery. Clicker question: what is the basic contradiction that derrick bell"s character, geneva. Was considered the father of school of political thought called critical race theory. Sacrifice of african americans in forming country -> one of main reasons that blacks have been kept from enjoying equal rights and dignity in society. Deprive blacks of economic and political participation.