CRM/LAW C10 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John Stuart Mill, Ursula K. Le Guin, Trolley Problem

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The greatest happiness principle -> maximize pleasure while minimizing pain. There are no categorical rights + duties -> only happiness has intrinsic value. Collective welfare matters + focus on the common good . Gov. should make laws to maximize utility (happiness) of most people possible. Bentham: people are governed by their feelings. Certain pleasures are lower yet incredibly enjoyable. All values cannot be captured into one common currency. Think omelas -> sacrifice for the majority + torture. Regulate contracts, protect private property, keep the peace (policing) Gov. needs to be small -> the minimal state. Would support physician assisted suicide + legalization of prostitution. Against laws to protect people from themselves. In favor of a free market + against distributive justice. Works best for those with resources + leaves behind those without. Contracting is not always fair (people get taken advantage of) Taxation is a form of coercion by the gov. Argues that reason is sovereign guide (against utilitarianism)