COMPSCI 171 Quiz: 2012-wq-cs-171-quiz-4-key

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Quiz#4 winter quarter, 2012 20 minutes. From right: (30 pts total, 2 pts each) machine learning concepts. For each of the following items on the left, write in the letter corresponding to the best answer or the correct definition on the right. Improves performance of future tasks after observing the world. Fixed set, list, or vector of features/attributes paired with a value. C agent learns patterns in the input with no explicit feedback. Support vector machine d agent observes input-output pairs & learns to map input to output. Example input-output pairs, from which to discover a hypothesis. Examples distinct from training set, used to estimate accuracy. Supervised learning with a discrete set of possible output values. Internal nodes test a value of an attribute, leaf nodes=class labels. Expected reduction in entropy from testing an attribute value. Choose an over-complex model based on irrelevant data patterns. Randomly split the data into a training set and a test set.