ANTHRO 128B Study Guide - Final Guide: Married People, Dsm-5, Cortisol

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Identify, relevant example, why it"s important to the study of race, gender, and science: pharmacogenomics: the idea if we understand genetic variation and response to drugs, we can target drugs to you for the illness you have. Pharmocogenomis is the idea that by understanding genotypes and genetics we can understand responses to drugs or other health issues. It"s focused on individually diagnosing particular people so this is the process by drawing your blood and testing your. So now we can test other people and we know the exact location to look for checking your risk for a disease: this gave rise to pharmacogenomics. So if i understand your understand genetic variation and response to nutrition i can target what drugs you need. Why is it that some people can eat certain foods and others. The more we can personalize medicine and what you should eat. One size doesn"t fit all in medicine.