ANTHRO 128B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eugenics, Manifest Destiny, Determinism

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16 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Ideas that men and woman have differences that are routed in our body: it"s not just that men are expected to have more har but how does that reinforce what men and woman are allowed to do. Symptoms: careless movements, stupidly mind: not only unsuitable to the negro race, but actually poisonous to its happiness. Medical physician supports this idea that slaves can be educated and a free man but this would be damaging to their lives so they must be salves. Example: rationalizing epidemics: tuberculous, 2 hypothesis. Defined that you get it if you are not fit enough. Indians inertly inferior and destined to go extinct. Biological determinism & us expansion: video. President jackson: they [cherokees] have neither the intelligence, moral habits or want to be better. They were inertly messed up: they must disappear. The cherokees fought against removal but the unit states forced them to leave: tail of tears.