[WFC 111] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 120 pages long Study Guide!

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They are most closely related to reptiles. Similarity between reptilian scales and bird scales. Similarity in skull features; single occipital condyle (mammals have two) The joint at which the head can rotate. Single middle ear bone (ossicle); (mammals have 3) Lower jaw bone consists of 5 fused bones (mammals consist of a single dentary bone) Nucleated red blood cells (erythrocytes); (mammals non-nucleated) Theory that mammals emerged from the sea sooner when there was less oxygen. Ovipary (lay eggs); (mammals vivipary- live young) The egg has everything the fetus needs (like a little spaceship) Have to find another way to chew their food. Gizzard has evolved to grind their food. The ankle is what most people think the knee is and he knee is up higher in the torso and you can"t see it in a living bird. Fusion and reduction of bones of hands, head, pelvis. Not hollow like a straw, hollow like a skyscraper.