PSC 126 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mirror Neuron, Neurochemistry, Impermanence

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15 Jun 2018
Pp. 171 - 188: meditation
1. In what ways is the meditative practice of the Dalai Lama and the prayer practice of
Archbishop Tutu similar?
a. “The Dalai Lama’s prayer practice and concern, like the Archbishop’s, enveloped
the whole world”
c. Dalai lama
i. Pray to statue
2. How does the Dalai Lama’s meditative practice prepare him for death?
a. Train minds to go through process for what they will experience at the time of
b. Get ready for another destination of life
c. Speak of death, intermediate state, and rebirth
d. Meditation occurs 5 times a day
3. What do mirror neurons do and how are they related to empathy?
a. “Mirror neurons allow us to imitate others and experience their internal states,
and therefore may play an important role in empathy.
4. How is meditation a “freeing” experience?
5. What is the connection between prayer and meditation?
a. “Prayer is when we speak to God, and meditation is when God answers”
Pp. 223- 228
6. What is acceptance, and how is it a key to living in joy?
a. Accepting reality
b. Accept our life in all its pain, imperfection, and beauty
c. Acceptance = opposite of resignation and defeat
7. In what ways is acceptance the opposite of giving up and giving in?
8. How does acceptance counter the tendency to react to circumstances?
a. “Acceptance is the sword that cuts through all of this resistance, allowing us to
relax, to see clearly, and to respond appropriately”
9. What does it mean to “be present in each moment” ?
10. In what ways is acceptance active, not passive?
11. How can we pursue goals but not be attached to the outcome?
Pp. 241 - 249: gratitude
12. What is the link between gratitude and a sense of wonder?
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