HDE 110 Final: final study guide

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Lecture 13 - autism and families; families of children with disabilities. Autism is a developmental disability that can cause behavioral, communication, & social. Affects your ability to establish & maintain (non - familial) relationships. Individuals with asd are widely different from one another, also known as. Diagnosis of asd can happen at 18 months or earlier, but isn"t considered reliable until. Seems to affect more boys than girls , about 1:4 / 1:5 ratio. 1st described in medical literature by kanner i n 1943 & asperger in 1944. *have to meet criteria i, ii, & iii. Not look at objects when another person points at them. Have trouble relating to others or not have an interest in other people at all. Avoid eye contact & want to be alone. Have trouble understanding other people"s feelings or talking about their own feelings. Appear to be unaware when people talk to them, but respond to other sounds.