HDE 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Affect Measures, Grammatical Gender, Distressing

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Family - group of 2 or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption. Us census definition adds they reside in the same household. Civil union - legal significance in terms of rights and privileges given to pair - bonded. Domestic partnership - emotionally and financially interdependent individuals who live relationships together. Given official recognition by a city or corporation to receive partner benefits. Household - individuals who live in same residence, may be comprised of family or non. Family of origin - family into which an individual is born or reared. Family of procreation - family an individual creates by getting married and having. Individual and his or her parents and siblings. Fictive kin: non - relatives with family - like relationships. None of these relationships require biological kinship, also known as consanguinity. Individual family members may define who is and who isn"t a member differently than how others may define them.