POL S 204 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Joint-Stock Company, The Tudors, News

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6 Aug 2018

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Racketeers-they provide protection, but threaten those whom they protect. The tudors are a good example because they controlled the violence in. They demilitarized lords in england and scotland, but also provided a buffer against scottish invaders. Richelieu was the equivalent, but he was an advisor of louis. He says that banditry, piracy, gangland rivalry, policing and war are all grouped together and allow some to gain power. Legitimacy is the probability that other authorities will act to confirm the decisions of a given authority; they don"t reply on the assent of the governed. Rulers gain it through a monopoly of force that gives credibility and is hard to resist: states carry on 4 different activities. War making: eliminating or neutralizing their own rivals outside the territories in which they have clear and continuous priority as wielders of force. State making: eliminating or neutralizing their rivals inside those territories. Protection: eliminating or neutralizing the enemies of their clients.