POL S 203 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Young Hegelians, Louis Menand, Totalitarianism

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Louis menand, karl marx yesterday and today, the new yorker (october 10, 2016). It"s important because he believed that theory must be united with practice and that he saw the issues in the world as they were. Among the most important aspects were his interpretation of free-market economies that make inequalities if they"re allowed to function on their own. Also, he used socrates" analyzing technique of turning concepts inside out and using them to understand social and economic conditions. It is the belief that people will produce things that benefits everyone. Also, traits of human beings, such as being creative and sociable were important. They cause the wealth to not be equally distributed. The rich condense the majority of the wealth and keep getting richer, while the middle class sink to the level of the working class. This would turn into property owners and laborers. He went to college at friedrich-wilhelms-university and became involved with the young.