MUSIC 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Joshua Files, Repeat Sign, Quarter Note

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Rhythm: refers to the way in which sounds are organized in time. This includes determining when a sound should occur, when it should stop, and how long it should last for. In order to give musicians precise information about when to play sounds, we measure time in music using beats. If the notehead is placed on or above the middle line of the staff, the stem points down and is placed on left side of the notehead. If the notehead is placed below the middle like of the staff, the stem points up and is placed on the right side of the notehead: half notes: have a stem and an open notehead. However, relative durations, or note values, are always valid. No matter what type of note represents the beat, a half note will always last as long as two quarter notes: whole notes: have an open notehead and no stem.