LING 150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vocal Folds, Palatine Uvula, Synecdoche

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Derivational: when an ending is added to a root word. Inflectional: expresses a grammatical function or attribute such as tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender. Compound words: combining two or more roots in the same word. The principal organs of articulation: nasal cavity, palate, alveolar ridge, vellum, uvula, pharyngeal cavity, vocal folds, tongue blade, tongue tip, teeth, lips/ Ablaut: roots change their vowel: e - o - a / e -o - _ Weakening: a - e / e - i. Metathesis- switching of letters nasal insertion: and or is placed immediately after the vowel in the root. Metonym: a shift in meaning from some object to something connected with it in some way other than by resemblance. Metaphor: based on resemblance, as when the word leaf refers to a page in a book. A metaphor is clearly involved in the extension of meaning a word.