HIST 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sugar Act, Tea Act, Quartering Acts

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Lots of young people (18-30 years old) engaged in movement. George whitfield and johnathan edwards at forefront of the great awakening. Whitfield very descriptive (visual) writer, spoke with power. France claims a large portion of central north america. French only have 60,000 people while english has 2,000,000 people. French used indian allies when battling for territory against english. French charged trading partners a lot more for goods than english did. However, they would sort of merge (embrace) into indian culture and marry their people. Charles ii king of spain died and gave his crown to french prince philip v. Both france and britain wanted ohio river valley. War ends in british victory with the treaty of paris. In response to french threat on western frontiers, delegates from 7 colonies gathered. Wanted to persuade iroquois to abandon traditional neutrality. To suggest all these colonies are a piece of the snake.