COMM 2381 Study Guide - Final Guide: Begging, Ope, Ad Hominem

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Types of listening: osborn text- 1) appreciative 2) comprehensive 3) empathic 4) discriminative; other sources (interpersonal)- 1) reflective 2) analytic 3) empathic (closed sensitivity) 4) dialogic (open sensitivity) Empathic: focusing on the needs of the other person. Ethical responsibilities of listeners: do no pre-judge, keep an open mind, be open to diverse lifestyles and cultural backgrounds, listen to others as you would have them listen to you. Problems w/ listening: fast thinking, information overload, desiring entertainment. Problems w/ presentation: physical noise, message problems, presentation problems. Persuasion: rhetoric, to influence; gaining fair and favorable consideration for our point of view. Argumentation: making arguments intended to justify our beliefs, attitudes, and/or values; consists of claims, evidence and inference. The persuasive process: 1) awareness- identifying a problem; 2) understanding- comprehending its core; 3) agreement- compromising on a solution; 4) enactment- putting forth the solution; 5) integration- integrating it into existing systems.